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Atemschutztechnik MENZL GmbH
Absbergerstraße 9
3462 Absdorf
+43 (0) 2278 / 2102
+43 (0) 2278 / 2102-21
Commercial register number: 139640d
Commercial register court: St. Pölten
VAT identification number: ATU 3981 7506

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Atemschutztechnik MENZL GmbH accepts no responsibility of any sort for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against Atemschutztechnik MENZL GmbH for material or immaterial damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded in principle. Atemschutztechnik MENZL GmbH expressly reserves the right to modify, expand, or delete the entire website or parts thereof without prior notice, or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.