Equipment Management program


Usable with MENZL equipment testers or as a standalone equipment-management application


reliable – user-friendly – suitable for networks



Main screen of the Equipment Management program (EMAT)

Main window

Article numbers: see below  



Developed in-house, the feature-packed and user-friendly Equipment Management program is the go-to application for hundreds of respiratory protective equipment officers when it comes to managing and testing a wide variety of respiratory protective equipment.

Program features

With our program, you can, inter alia, do the following:

  • manage program users and user privileges
  • manage equipment owners
  • manage individuals associated with equipment owners
  • manage type-specific test preferences
  • manage test procedures
  • manage equipment types (incl. test intervals)
  • manage equipment data (incl. dates when tests are due)
  • manage equipment with a limited service life
  • perform equipment tests and save the recorded data
  • manage stored data on equipment tests
  • print test reports
  • manage turnouts and training sessions
  • search for equipment that is due for testing
  • use comprehensive reporting and statistics features
  • make and manage lists of equipment to be tested (option)*
  • perform cylinder fillings and cylinder pressure tests (option)*
  • manage any kind of equipment (option)*
  • create tests that can be activated if needed
  • use barcodes to tag and identify pieces of equipment
  • create user reports
  • export reports in a variety of formats
  • export and import data (standardized CSV format)
  • back up data to USB drives
  • download program updates via an FTP connection
  • capture electronic signatures using a signature pad
  • perform and manage external cylinder fillings
  • perform and manage external equipment tests
  • hire out equipment (option)*
  • make and manage lists of equipment given out (option)*
  • set up and manage central points of testing (option)*
  • collate data (requires a central point of testing)
  • manage stock and do invoicing (option)*
* Program options are sold separately.


User permissions

User permissions allow you to make program features calling for particular caution (e.g. changing program preferences, deleting data, modifying test preferences) available only to users who are known to use them prudently.


Equipment due for testing

This program feature lets you search for equipment due for testing. Specifying the kind of equipment and the kind of test, you can search for equipment that is due for testing either by a given date or within a given period of time. The latter is particularly helpful in making provisions regarding replacement parts and/or the time needed to carry out the tests.

 EMAT: Managing users and user permissions
Managing users and user permissions
EMAT: Searching for equipment due for testing EMAT: Equipment due for testing
Searching for equipment Seach results

Equipment data

Equipment owners, equipment kinds and equipment types are the basis for managing equipment data. Every piece of equipment belonging to a particular equipment kind is given a unique file number. In addition to equipment master data, which you can configure to some extent, the Equipment Management program lets you keep a record of test-related data, and if you like also of turnouts and training sessions, for every piece of equipment. Moreover, you can tag every piece of equipment with a barcode for quick and easy retrieval of its data from the database.


Equipment tests and test preferences

Test procedures can be freely defined, allowing you to create sequences of tests for equipment testing. Test procedures are assigned to equipment types and carried out against type-specific test preferences. While performing an equipment test, you can immediately see whether the recorded values meet the required thresholds. Values are recorded either manually by entering them into the Equipment Management program or fully automatically in conjunction with a computer-assisted MENZL equipment tester.

 EMAT: Managing equipment data
Managing equipment data
 EMAT: Managing test preferences
Managing test preferences

Equipment tests with automated data recording

If you use the Equipment Management program in conjunction with a computer-assisted MENZL equipment tester, the actual values recorded will be displayed in the form of bar graphs while a test is being carried out. Completed tests are colour-coded, allowing you to distinguish passed ones from failed ones at a glance. In combination with an automated MENZL equipment tester, the program controls the adjustment of settings and the execution of tests automatically as far as possible.


Equipment tests with manual data entry

If you do not have a computer-assisted tester or if computer-assisted testing is not possible for the kind of equipment to be tested, you can use the manual-data-entry equipment testing window and record all of the required values manually by entering them into the respective data fields. Values entered manually are evaluated in the same manner as data recorded automatically.

 EMAT: Equipment test with automated data recording
Automated data recording
 EMAT: Equipment test with manual data entry
Manual data entry

Reporting and statistics features

The Equipment Management program comes with a comprehensive set of reporting and statistics features for breaking down stored data based on a wide variety of criteria. The included printing system, List & Label, lets you not only print but also export individual reports in many different formats. To cater for individual needs and requirements, it is also possible to modify existing reports or create new ones and subsequently make them available in various input windows.


Quick-reference program guides

Quick-reference guides with step-by-step instructions are available for many features of the Equipment Management program. They are PDF files located in a subfolder of the program’s installation folder and can be accessed from within the application. If you add your own PDF files to this subfolder, you will be able to access them along with the quick-reference guides included with the program.

EMAT: Printing/exporting a report EMAT: Previewing a report
Printing/exporting a report Previewing a report
EMAT: Browsing the quick-reference guides EMAT: Displaying a quick-reference guide
Browsing the guides Displaying a guide

Turnouts and training sessions

This program feature makes it easy to keep a record of turnouts and training sessions. It allows you both to store the master data for every turnout and training session and to link equipment and/or individuals to the event.


Equipment given out

With this program option, you can easily make and manage lists to keep a record of equipment that you give out or get back. Comprehensive reporting features let you compile reports on loan periods and loan costs.

EMAT: Entering/editing the master data of turnouts and training sessions EMAT: Linking/unlinking equipment
Entering/editing the master data Linking/unlinking equipment
EMAT: Managing lists of equipment given out
Managing equipment lists

External points of testing

This program feature allows you to carry out equipment tests externally (for instance by means of a mobile equipment tester or a vehicle equipped for equipment testing) and subsequently transfer the recorded data into the main database. The computer used at the external point of testing requires a separate workstation licence. For data synchronization, it needs to be linked to the main computer via a network connection.


External points of filling

This program feature allows you to carry out cylinder fillings externally (for instance at a mobile cylinder filling station during a turnout or training session) and subsequently transfer the recorded data into the main database. The computer used at the external point of filling requires a separate workstation licence. For data synchronization, it needs to be linked to the main computer via a network connection.

EMAT: Managing external points of testing EMAT: Entering/editing equipment data
Managing external points of testing Entering/editing equipment data
EMAT: Managing external points of filling EMAT: Managing external cylinder fillings
Managing external points of filling Managing external cylinder fillings

Available UI languages

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Czech

Limitations compared to version 3

The following testers are NOT compatible with version 5 of the Equipment Management program:

first-generation Multicheck eco O2
Multicheck II Automatik
Multicheck II
Multicheck eco

Cylinder fillings




Signature pad

Cylinder Fillings program option required.
When you fill a compressed-air cylinder, you have to keep a record of the filling. In conjunction with cylinder tagging by means of barcode labels, the Cylinder Fillings program option takes the hassle out of fulfilling this requirement. It pro-vides a user-friendly module and lets you record a compressed-air cylinder as having been filled by simply scanning its barcode. In essence, the program option offers the same features as theCylinder Management program. Learn more.
  The Equipment Management program allows you to tag and identify pieces of equipment by means of barcodes. We recommend using it with barcode scanners capable of operating via a virtual serial (USB COM) port as this type of scanner is particularly user-friendly. If you do not want a wired scanner, you can opt for a wireless one instead. Barcode labels are available with either an adhesive back  (for installation on the outside of equipment) or an adhesive front (for installation on the inside of a mask lens). Learn more.   When used in combination with a Wacom STU signature pad, the Equipment Management program lets you capture electronic signatures for equipment tests, combined test reports, lists of equipment given out, cylinder pressure tests and delivery notes. If you have a multi-workstation computer network, you can configure the workstations at which a signature pad is available via the preferences of the Equipment Management program. Learn more.
EMAT: Managing cylinder fillings   Barcodescanner   Signature pad
Managing cylinder fillings   Barcode scanners   Signature pad

Accessory: printer for printing ID stickers for equipment sealed after testing

This printer allows you to print ID stickers for pieces of equipment sealed after testing. The stickers can be created quickly and easily via the Equipment Management program.

Printer for printing ID stickers for equipment sealed after testing
Printer for ID stickers
Labels for printer
Labels for printer
ID sticker after printing
ID sticker after printing
ID sticker on a sealed mask
ID sticker on a
sealed mask

Data collation

Requires an FTP connection and data provided by a central point of testing.

The data collation feature makes it possible for central points of testing to collate their equipment data with subordinate points of testing. For this purpose, groups of equipment owners need to be created based on the serial numbers of the copies of the Equipment Management program used at the subordinate points of testing. Equipment file numbers serve as the basis for data collation. The central point of testing is responsible for data management. When it adds or deletes pieces of equipment, they are automatically added or deleted at the subordinate points of testing as well. A data collation table created by the central point of testing is used for sending data to the subordinate points of testing. Modifications of the data made by a subordinate point of testing are transferred to the central point of testing by means of CSV files.

Data export and data import

This feature allows data to be exchanged between different points of testing by means of a CSV text file. The equipment mas-ter data and the dates of tests can be exported. The data recorded during testing and test preferences are not exportable, though. The CSV export file can be transferred by e-mail or via an FTP server. Upon importing the data, records have to be matched, which happens automatically as far as possible based on the respective equipment numbers. Records that cannot be matched automatically need to be processed manually. CSV export files can also be used to transfer data to external databases.

Database format

By default, the Equipment Management program uses the Microsoft Access database format. Microsoft Access databases have a file size limitation of 2 GB. A runtime module for accessing Microsoft Access databases is included in our program's scope of  delivery. For networked systems, Microsoft SQL Server can be used instead of Microsoft Access. In this context, it is important to keep in mind that our program must be allowed to create tables and change table structures.

PLEASE NOTE: We do NOT supply Microsoft SQL server. You will be responsible for taking care of its installation and provision.

Available program options

  • managing any kind of equipment
  • carrying out/manging cylinder fillings
  • hiring out equipment
  • making/manging lists of equipment given out
  • making/managing lists of equipment to be tested
  • setting up and managing central points of testing
  • managing stock and doing invoicing

Program options are sold separately!

Recommended PC configuration

Any reasonably modern standard PC can run the Equipment Management program. We recommend at least the following configuration:

processor: 2.8 GHz
graphics card: no special requirements
hard disk: 500 GB
USB ports: 2 free USB ports
operating system: Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro

Note on using the program in conjunction with an equipment tester (A/D converter)

The onboard USB ports of some desktop computers are not powerful enough for operating a USB A/D converter. Therefore, we recommend equipping desktop computers with a USB expansion card for connecting the A/D converter.

Article numbers

Equipment Management program (V5, excl. cylinder-filling functionality) 330-453
Software maintenance contract for 12 months 330-613
Program option for managing any kind of equipment 330-448
Program option for carrying out and managing cylinder fillings 330-341
Program optopn for hiring out equipment“ 330-144
Program option for making and managing lists of equipment given out 330-155
Program option for making and managing lists of equipment to be tested 330-223
Program option for managing stock and doing invoicing 330-628
Signature pad (incl. stylus) 330-634
Printer for printing ID stickers 330-637
Labels for printer (54 x 70 mm, pack of 320) 330-638
Barcode scanner, wired (USB) 330-154
Barcode scanner, wireless (incl. USB cradle and power adapter) 330-221
Barcode labels, adhesive back (pack of 100) 330-219
Barcode labels, adhesive front (pack of 100) 330-220


Product flyer

Program installation and quick-start guide

Quick-reference guides